by Bryant Golden | Oct 24, 2022 | Questions/Searching
Let’s set the stage. You’re reading the Bible, listening to a podcast or tuning into a sermon and you come across the phrase “to whom shall we go.” What does that mean? And really, to the author’s point, to whom would you go? The quote is from John 6:68 (ESV) and...
by Bryant Golden | Oct 17, 2022 | Questions/Searching, Relevant Life
If I just read my Bible more, I’ll have deeper faith. If I’m more involved in the church, I won’t have so many questions. If I just do more, I won’t have all these doubts about my faith. I can’t have doubts because that’s the opposite of faith. Does that sound...
by Bryant Golden | Oct 10, 2022 | Questions/Searching
If you’re looking for the word “immigration” in the Bible, you won’t find it. You also won’t find the terms “immigrant” or “refugee.” But that doesn’t mean the Bible is silent on the issue. You will find plenty of references to “strangers,” “foreigners” and...
by Bryant Golden | Oct 3, 2022 | Questions/Searching
Fasting. Churches and Christians seem to fast a lot, especially at the beginning of the year or during Lent (which precedes Easter). You may have heard pastors and church leaders encourage the congregation to join in on a corporate fast. They’ve even given some...
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